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The session discussion on petroleum engineering, coal, and natural gas with recent trendsand current work on both in the industries and academic research which causesnew innovation and development of petroleum and oil andgas world. The academicians, research fellows and business professionalscan participate and expose and publish their work.  People who areengrossed in the session discussion can discuss with the eminent persons byjoining and participate as Delegates or as Visitors and Conduct workshops inthis session.


Related Keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference|Oil and Gas conference | global congress on petroleum Singapore 2020 |petroleum refinery conference | Natural Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th WorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil andGas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 

Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC), Theglobal oil and gas industry trade associationGas Association ofSingaporeAustin Geological Society, Societyfor Sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum Engineers,International Society for Rock Mechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Association andNevada Petroleum Society.

ArtificialIntelligence and Big- Data is now trending in the application of the petroleumengineering and oil and gas sector. The program developers are developingthe new technique to apply in the Petroleumindustries and companies for many purposes. The applications, roles, currentwork, future resources of the ArtificialIntelligence and Big data in petroleum are to be discussed in these sessions. It gives aPlatform for Computer engineers, Application Developers, Modeling and big dataassociates, petroleum academicians and industrial professionals can expose andpublish their research work can join this session and conduct workshops.

RelatedKeywords: Petroleum Engineering conference |global congress on petroleumSingapore | world petroleum conference | petroleum refineryconference |petroleum geology conference | Liquefied petroleum gas conference.

RelatedConferences: 3rd International Conference and Expoon Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th WorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas,November25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.

Recommended Associations & Societies: 

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological and Mining Society of theNetherlands, Theglobal oil and gas industry trade associationGas Association ofSingaporeGeological Society of MalaysiaThe Society of Petroleum Engineers.Geological Society of Japan and Malaysian Petrochemicals Associations.


Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)is a process or technique is used for the recovery of Hydrocarbon fromthe physiochemical properties of the rock. The technique is highly preferableby the Enhanced Oil Recovery and refining companies and Industries, and thisprocess is economical too. The Market value of this technique in petroleum Industriesis increasing according to the EOR Industry report. The further analysis oftrends in enhanced oil-recovery projectsto be discussed in this Petroleum engineering conferencesession.


Related Keywords: Hydrocarbons conference|Liquefied petroleum gas conference | Petroleum Engineering conference|global congress on petroleum Singapore 2020 | world petroleum conference|petroleum geology | petroleum refinery conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4thWorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December07-08, 2020Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oiland Gas, November 25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 

Theglobal oil and gas industry trade associationGas Association ofSingaporePetroleum Society ofCanada (PETSOC), Austin Geological Society, Society for SedimentaryGeology, Society of Petroleum Engineers,International Society for Rock Mechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Associationand Nevada Petroleum Society.

The digitalOil field transformation will give the complete framework ofnew innovation and ideas to be implemented in the oil andgas fields. This is the recent trending topic and current work isundergoing in the research centers in Petroleumengineering Industrial sectors. The sessiondiscussion will more interactive with the Industrial participants with researchinstitutes and academic and business professionals.


Related Keywords: PetroleumEngineering conference | Oil and Gas conference |Petroleum Distillation conference | global congress on petroleumSingapore | petroleum geology conference| petroleum refineryconference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th WorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil andGas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological, Mining Society of the Netherlands, Geological Society of Malaysia,The Society of Petroleum EngineersMarine Offshore OilAnd Gas AssociationGeological Society of Japan, Malaysian PetrochemicalsAssociationsTheglobal oil and gas industry trade association and Gas Association ofSingapore.

In Petroleum and Natural gas, thecurrent worldwide trend is conventional and unconventional resources due totechnology advances and the Unconventional natural gas resourcesare even more important for the future of domestic Natural gas supplies.This session will provide a clear framework of conventional and unconventional resources.


Related Keywords: petroleum engineering conference |NaturalGas conference | Oil and Gas conference | Top global congress on petroleumSingapore 2020 | petroleum geology conference|petroleum pipeline conference | petroleum refinery conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expoon Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4thWorld Congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December07-08,2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas,November25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 

Marine Offshore OilAnd Gas AssociationPetroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC), Austin Geological Society, Society for Sedimentary GeologySociety of Petroleum Engineers,International Society for Rock Mechanics, The global oil andgas industry trade associationGas Association ofSingaporeKentucky Oil & Gas Associationand Nevada Petroleum Society.


The primarily petroleum and Natural gas exploration deals with the upstream processing sector, by the current year of2019-2020 most of the investor, oil and Gas holders are investing their money in theupstream markets it also deals with the downstream processing which givesdifferent products from petroleum exploration. This session will be an evolution inthe meeting with petroleum experts in the global oil markets, Innovations,developmental resources, investments, profits and recent trends in the upstream sectors by application of ArtificialIntelligence.


Related keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference | Reservoirengineering conference | Hydrocarbons conference | Liquefied petroleum gasconference | global congress on petroleum Singapore | PetroleumDistillation conference | Natural Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering and NaturalGas Recovery, December 07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11thInternational Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 

The global oil and gas industry trade associationOhio Geological Society, Royal Geological and Mining Societyof the Netherlands, Geological Society of Malaysia, The Society of Petroleum Engineers. Geological Society ofJapan and Malaysian Petrochemicals Associations.

In this session about the drilling and mining sectorsin the petroleumand mining industries, this gives a great platform to understand and learn newinnovations, trending techniques and current research work. The sessionsintroduce new sub-tracks and new practices in drilling and mining in petroleum engineering.


Related Keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference|petroleum conference | Oil and Gas conference | petroleum conference Singapore2020 | mining & petroleum conference |petroleum refinery conference | Natural Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expoon Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congresson Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020 Sydney,Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November25-26, 2020Barcelona, Spain.



Recommended Associations & Societies:

Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC), Austin Geological Society,Society for Sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum EngineersThe global oil andgas industry trade associationInternational Society for Rock Mechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Associationand Nevada Petroleum Society.

In petroleumengineering, the state of the oil andgas sector as described above have a huge impact upon pipelineconstruction projects, operational and processing sectors. The undergoingproject and new applications, Installation techniques, Investigations andchallenges have framed the session with trending tracks and sub-tracks.  The academicians, research fellows, businessprofessionals, global Investors, oil and gas marketerscan participate in the pipeline and petroleum engineering canexpose their work, people who are engrossed in the Petroleum conferencesession discussion can discuss with the eminent persons by joining andparticipate as Delegates or as Visitors and conduct workshops in thissession Pipeline Engineering &Processing.


Related Keywords: petroleum engineering conference|Oil and Gas conference | Petroleum Distillation conference | petroleum conference Singapore2020 | world petroleum conference | petroleum pipeline conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4thWorld Congress onPetroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December 07-08, 2020Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oiland Gas, November 25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.



Recommended Associations & Societies:

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological andMining Society of the Netherlands, Geological Society of Malaysia, The Society of Petroleum Engineers.Geological Society of Japan and Malaysian PetrochemicalsAssociationsTheglobal oil and gas industry trade association and Gas Association ofSingapore.

The analytics which is used in the advancement of petroleum engineering explorationand techniques, the new trending AI and data analytics solutionsto business to tap into new avenues of growth which will be used in automationplatform, leading LNG company gainoperational and business insights. These are some of the processes usedby Artificial Intelligence analytics likeAutomating tasks, ESP monitoring, Production Optimisation and in the sectorsof Reservoir management. InPetroleumengineering Conference, this session introduces the new sub-tracks for bothpetroleumanalytics and digital petrology in Petroleum Engineering, Oil and Gas sectors.


Related keywords: PetroleumEngineering conference | Reservoir engineering conference|Hydrocarbons conference | Liquefied petroleum gas conference | global congress on petroleumSingapore 2020| Petroleum Distillation conference | Natural Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expoon Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress onPetroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020 Sydney,Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November25-26, 2020Barcelona, Spain.



Recommended Associations & Societies:

South East Asia PetroleumExploration, Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC), Marine Offshore OilAnd Gas Association, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum Engineers,International Society for Rock Mechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Association, Nevada Petroleum Society,The global oil andgas industry trade association and Gas Association ofSingapore.

Offshore oil and gas platformsare found on continental shelves throughout the world’s oceans, a mechanism forrecognizing the ecological role played by offshore platforms with thetechniques or processes like Decommissioning,Rigs-to-Reefs, Ecologyof Offshore Platforms, Novel Ecosystems. In this petroleum Engineeringconference, the session includes the Onshore exploration in petroleum engineering withtrending sub-track topics, some interesting methodology and new innovations tomaintain and develop both onshore exploration and offshoreplatform is to be discussed in this session in Petroleum Conference.


Related Keywords: PetroleumEngineering conference | Hydrocarbons conference |Liquefied petroleum gas conference |  Chemical engineering conference| Oil and Gas conference | petroleum conference in Singapore2020 | Natural Gas conference |Reservoir engineering conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th WorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil andGas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


In Reservoir Engineering, evaluate shale reservoirs andconventional reservoirs and build appropriate reservoir models, understandvarious completion strategies artificial lift,alternate production strategies, production allocation and forecasting play animportant role in reservoir engineering and advancements.With booming trends in petroleum engineering and oil and gas and current research workin both industrial and academic-related topics are framed in this sessiondiscussion.


Related KeywordsReservoir engineering conferencePetroleum Engineering conference| petroleum conferenceSingapore 2020 | Natural Gas conference | Oil and Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and gas, December05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering andNatural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020 Sydney, Australia | 11thInternational Conference on Oil and Gas, November25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC)The global oil and gasindustry trade association, Society for sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Society for RockMechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Association, Gas Association of Singaporeand Nevada Petroleum Society.



Petroleum Geology plays a major rolein today's society. nowadays in both petroleum geoscience and petroleum geology facing challengesin the onsite work areas, this session will give a clear explanation oftackling the challenges and explain the current research work in the field ofpetroleum and oil and gas. With new framed tracks andsub-track are to be discussed in the panel with the eminent professionalin petroleum geology and geoscience.


Related keywords: petroleum geology conferencePetroleum Engineering conference| global congress on petroleumSingapore 2020 | Natural Gas conference | Hydrocarbons conference | mining & petroleum conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and gas, December05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering andNatural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26, 2020,Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological and Mining Societyof the Netherlands, Geological Society of MalaysiaThe Society of Petroleum EngineersThe global oil and gasindustry trade association, Geological Society of Japan andMalaysian Petrochemicals Associations.


In Petro-chemical engineering new developments and innovation aretrending in this 21st century with high market values in theworld oil market. The Petrochemicals are the chemical products obtained frompetroleum by refining in which they are extending in transformation in worldOil and natural gas markets and dominate the surge in petrochemical capacity growth in the Asia Pacific region.In this session panel with eminent and business, Petro-chemical professionals with new productintroduction and suggestions are discussed.


Related keywords: PetroleumEngineering conference | Petrochemistry conference | Chemical engineering Conference| global congress on petroleumSingapore 2020 | petroleum chemistry conference| Hydrocarbons conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference andExpo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery,December 07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference onOil and Gas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

The global oil and gasindustry trade association, Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC),Austin Geological Society, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Society for RockMechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Association and Nevada Petroleum Society.

Being an environmental-friendly and significant growth of biodiesel, biofuels drives the futureenergy world. The Biorefinery market is still in itsnascent stage and is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the next decade onaccount of growing environmental concerns. opportunities offered in the marketwhich can act as future drivers for the marketers.  With the dead livingorganisms and plants, future hydrocarbons extraction is one of thenatural sources of fuel world. The utilization of fossil fuels has enabled large-scaleindustrial development and facing climate challenges in the environment. Themarket, analysis, future development and challenges of biofuel, biorefinery, hydrocarbon, fossil fuels and biodiesel are discussed in thissession panel of Petroleum Engineering Conference.


Related keywords:Petroleum Engineering conference | Chemical engineering conferenceBiofuel conference | top petroleum conference in Singapore 2020 | Petrochemistry conference | Biodiesel conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4thWorld Congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery,December07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26, 2020Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological and Mining Society of theNetherlands, Geological Society of Malaysia, The Society of Petroleum Engineers. Geological Society ofJapan Gas Association of Singaporeand Malaysian Petrochemicals Associations.

It drives the sustainable development and environmental factor inthe petroleum fieldareas. In a session panel discussion, the current facing issue in thesustainability in the Oil and Gas industries and the surrounding environment ofthe oil field, problem solution and the protection management are to bediscussed and rising up with novel ideas.


Related keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference| Oil and Gas conference |petroleum geology conference | Liquefied petroleum gas conference | global congress onpetroleum Singapore 2020 | hydrocarbon conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and gas, December05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering andNatural Gas Recovery, December 07-08, 2020Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26,2020Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 

The global oil and gasindustry trade associationGas Association of Singapore,Austin Geological Society, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Society of Petroleum EngineersInternational Society for Rock Mechanics, Kentucky Oil &Gas Association and Nevada Petroleum Society.


In Petroleum Engineering and Oil and Gas, strategic planning might helpto identify new market opportunities as well as new competitive threats tounderstand the relationship between the two, it's important to understand thepurpose of strategic planning; the planning process;the difference between goals, objectives, strategies and tactics; and theimportant role of measurement in strategic planning and market. In thispanel discussion with the industrial Professionals give an out frame of thestrategic planning and market value of the petroleum and Natural Gas.


Related keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference | Hydrocarbons conference| global congress on petroleum Singapore 2020 | Chemicalengineering conference | petroleum geology conference| Natural Gas conferenceOil and Gas conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering and NaturalGas Recovery, December 07-08, 2020 Sydney,Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26, 2020,Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological andMining Society of the Netherlands, Geological Society of Malaysia, The Society of Petroleum EngineersThe global oil and gasindustry trade associationGas Association of Singapore,Geological Society of Japan and Malaysian Petrochemicals Associations.

In recent days in Oil and Gas fields, several accidents are happeningbecause of no awareness measure for the labors. Safety Hazards associated with Oil and Gas extraction activities with the safety measure and hazards in the processing, petrochemical productionareas, vehicle collisions. In this Petroleum Engineering conferencesession, module will give provide petroleum engineering industries with the hazards,controls and safety measures in oil and gas fields.


Related keywords: petroleum Engineering conferenceOil and Gas conference | global congress on petroleum Singapore 2020 | Natural Gas conference| petroleum geology conference | Chemical engineering conference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery,December 07-08, 2020 Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference onOil and Gas, November 25-26,2020 Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies:

Petroleum Society of Canada (PETSOC), Austin Geological Society, Society for SedimentaryGeology, Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Society for RockMechanics, Kentucky Oil & Gas Association, The global oil and gasindustry trade association and Nevada Petroleum Society.

 In petroleum industry, business management with Longdecision cycles requires an understanding of pricing fundamentals, BalancingInvestment Options. Corporate Metrics, Measuring Success in an Oil and Gas Portfolio, to integratethe tools and corporate metrics into an annual oil and gas planning and decisionprocess, most oil and gas corporate planners firsttranslate a set of corporate strategies into guidelines to advise the businessunits as they develop the project. The other major factor is an environmental risk is also discussedin this session. Managing risk in Oil and Gas is a key aspect of oiland gas company’s strategic planning and decisionmaking is the varying amount of risk inherent in the available asset investment options. In the Petroleum Engineeringconference, this session explains how oil and gas companies plan for andevaluate the various risks in this wide set of options.


Related keywords: Petroleum Engineering conference| Natural Gas conference| global congress on petroleum Singapore  2020 | Oil and Gas conference | Liquefied petroleum gasconference | Hydrocarbons conference | Chemical engineeringconference.


Related Conferences: 3rd InternationalConference and Expo on Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE| 4th World Congress on Petroleum Engineering and NaturalGas Recovery, December 07-08, 2020 Sydney,Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas, November 25-26, 2020Barcelona, Spain.


Recommended Associations & Societies: 
Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological andMining Society of the Netherlands, Geological Society of MalaysiaThe Society of Petroleum Engineers, GeologicalSociety of Japan, MalaysianPetrochemicals AssociationsThe global oil and gas industry trade association and Gas Association of Singapore.
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