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Artificial Intelligence and Big-Data in petroleum

Artificial Intelligence and Big-Data in petroleum

ArtificialIntelligence and Big- Data is now trending in the application of the petroleumengineering and oil and gas sector. The program developers are developingthe new technique to apply in the Petroleumindustries and companies for many purposes. The applications, roles, currentwork, future resources of the ArtificialIntelligence and Big data in petroleum are to be discussed in these sessions. It gives aPlatform for Computer engineers, Application Developers, Modeling and big dataassociates, petroleum academicians and industrial professionals can expose andpublish their research work can join this session and conduct workshops.

RelatedKeywords: Petroleum Engineering conference |global congress on petroleumSingapore | world petroleum conference | petroleum refineryconference |petroleum geology conference | Liquefied petroleum gas conference.

RelatedConferences: 3rd International Conference and Expoon Oil and gas, December 05-06, 2020, Dubai, UAE | 4th WorldCongress on Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery, December 07-08,2020Sydney, Australia | 11th International Conference on Oil and Gas,November25-26, 2020 Barcelona, Spain.

Recommended Associations & Societies: 

Ohio Geological Society, Royal Geological and Mining Society of theNetherlands, Theglobal oil and gas industry trade associationGas Association ofSingaporeGeological Society of MalaysiaThe Society of Petroleum Engineers.Geological Society of Japan and Malaysian Petrochemicals Associations.


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